Sunday, 7 November 2010

Research on Viral Campaigns
This is a viral campaign promotion Resident Evil 5.

Gorilla Advert
Another recent example of how an amazing advert can get millions more views thanks to the web comes in the form of a gorilla playing the drums for Cadbury’s.

Although it isn't a viral campaign for games, its an example of a advertisement that spread vastly and become popular amongst everyone.

This talks about how to make a successful viral campaign which will be very helpful to me. As I am planning on making one it talks about the content which needs to be involved, how to make the campaign more engaging and social for people, the information which is essential to be gathered, the planning needed to make the campaign etc.

I also looked at the PC gamer magazine website promoting the new Call of Duty Black Ops. Also I found an example of a viral campaign which was on both sides of the magazine article promoting the new Football Manager 2011. It was a very clever campaign as if you clicked on the side randomly it would automatically take you to another page reflecting Football Manager. In my opinion it was a very clever idea in the way it would attract a mainstream market.

This is the front cover of the Official Playstation Magazine. I intend on buying one in order to study the codes and conventions used inside to attract the audience of Call of Duty.

A teaser site has appeared for the long, long rumoured Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombie Mode.

Black Ops viral website, GKNOVA 6 has been updated to show tons of footage of ravaging CoD zombies, including scientist zombies, office worker zombies and 28 Days Later-style fast zombies. We can't wait.

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